Site Rules and Courtesy
- Thou Shalt remain anonymous, if you want.
- Thou Shalt be honest. Sure, change the names to protect the innocent and even yourself. In fact, you don’t need to use names, pronouns will do nicely. Just keep it real!
- Thou Shalt look up the word brevity. Use it.
- Thou Shalt not impersonate or represent themselves as someone other than who they are.
- Thou Shalt not fabricate, falsify, prevaricate, tergiversate, equivocate, embellish or just plain not tell the truth. Trust me, there’s nothing more amazing and satiating than the truth!
- Thou Shalt not cast aspersions, libel, defame, malign, asperse, calumniate, denigrate, traduce, impute, vilify, charge, allege or just plain dis someone. This site is all about you. Let’s keep it that way.
- Thou Shalt not submit a confession with any sexually graphic or gratuitous content involving individuals 17 years old and younger.
- Thou Shalt not submit a confession using all capitals
- Thou Shalt not display any information, advertisement or method of communication with you or anyone else for that matter.
- Thou Shalt not
include a URL, e-mail address or any HTML code within any confession or Talk-Back submission - Thou Shalt not submit in any language other than English. Sorry, but this is solely due to legal issues. is free…
Free! Synonymous with “no charge.”
Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free! Free!
Enough Said.
Legal Disclaimer
- Use of this web site is for entertainment purposes only
- is not responsible for any content exhibited in the confession area.
- will make every reasonable attempt to monitor and remove any confession that does not meet the criteria as stated.
- may alter or edit any confessions or Talk-Backs™ submitted.
- All submissions must be in English.
- All submissions become the property of
Where is my Confession?
We add hundreds of confessions daily! Not every “confession” that is submitted makes it on to the site. Find out why, HERE
After The Confession…
This section offers links to a variety of US local and national resources that can assist you with specific online and safety concerns.
This site has an international visitorship. We are also adding links for help and support for areas outside of the US. We are always gathering new resources and adding them here. So if your confession is of a serious nature and you need help, check the list below. If you know of a bona-fide, truly helpful resource, please e-mail it to: Helping Links, we will qualify your information add make it available here.
1. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children – Information on missing children.
2. CyberTipline – Hotline if you have information on a missing child.
3. Missing Persons Throughout The World Profiles with a photograph, are displayed free of charge, provided a recognized Police Force is conducting an investigation of that individual as a missing person.
4. National Missing Persons Helpline – Support organization for those searching for missing family or friends in the UK.
5. Suicide Crisis Center – Suicide prevention information.
6. KidsPeace HelpLine 1-800-334-4KID Crisis Intervention Included in the KidsPeace continuum are a variety of free intervention services that help children and their families address crisis in its early stages
7. National Institute On Drug Abuse provides a comprehensive, nation wide resource for all types of drug abuse and dependency help.
8. – Directory of law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and around the world.
9. The FBI – Crime prevention.
10. FBI Kids and Youth Educational Pages – For kids through grade 5 and for kids grades 6 through 12.
11. U.S. Department of Justice Online – Information on the U.S. Department of Justice.
12. U.S. Department of Justice – Justice for kids and youth.
13. U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) – Information on the ATF.
14. National Council on Child Abuse and Family Violence – If you know a child who is being abused or neglected, call the National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-422-4453
15. Spouse/Partner Abuse Information – If you or someone you know is a victim of spouse/partner abuse (domestic violence), call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or 1-800-787-3244 (TTY) for support, shelter, or services.
16. The National Runaway Switchboard is the federally designated national communication system for runaway and homeless youth. We are available 24 hours a day throughout the United States and its territories, including Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Guam. . You can call them toll free in the US at: 800-621-4000
17. The National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was created within the Department of Veterans Affairs in 1989, in response to a Congressional mandate to address the needs of veterans with military-related PTSD.
A word on suicide – Don’t!
Please take a moment to visit the site listed above, or call someone who cares enough, that they have volunteered their time to help YOU.
1-800-SUICIDE – National Hope Line Network Toll-Free, 24/7 hotline for emergency suicide information
1-800-999-9999 – Covenant House
1-800-850-8078 – The Trevor HelpLine – Specializing in gay and lesbian youth suicide prevention
Frequently Asked Questions
- Privacy? Your privacy is our number one priority. We do not collect any contact or identity data from your submission. Your confession is submitted via a form on the web site to maintain your anonymity. Your privacy cannot and will not be compromised.
- Do you track submissions? In a word – NO! We understand that technologically it can be done, but it would cost us more money (we don’t make enough as it is!) and really, it is not an interest of ours. We respect your patronage and your privacy.
- Are these confessions for real? Yes! Do you think we could make this stuff up? Honestly, these confessions are submitted by people just like you and me from all over the world.
- How many submissions can I make? Just how bad are you? If you have the sins, we have the web space. Bring them on! Bring them all on! Just remember the Site Rites and Courtesies and keep it “real.”
- I have a sin that doesn’t fit ANY of the categories. Where do I put my sin?First, go back and confess to being too anal-retentive. You can submit that one under “Something Else…”. The categories are supposed to be clever and loose guides at best. Select any one that comes closest. Please remember, this is not rocket science, it’s confession!
- How long is my confession listed? Each new confession goes to the top of that list and moves all others in that category down. Given our current web server space allotment, and depending on the number of submissions to a particular category, we can keep listings posted forever. And that’s a mighty long time.